Community Land Use Plan

Gila River Indian Community



The General Plan 2021 vision will speak to the Community’s quality of life, land use, services, culture, economy, and history. Our approach to visioning will be to integrate the visions from the seven Districts Master Plans into one, and then solicit feedback on the vision. The first round of District meeting will be a community education and vision session. At this meeting, we will present information developed from out existing conditions research. We will ask participants, using tables focused around each vision topic, to provide input to refine, or eliminate and replace (or not) each vision component. We will then ask participants to discuss how the updated might shape the future of the Community and to describe the types of places they envision (using photo prompts and keypad voting). Based on this workshop, we will initiate updating the use categories. This could include information about how technology will impact how we live and work, about changes in demographics that will impact changes in lifestyles, changes linking health to our built environment, or changes in transportation that will impact everything.


At the second round of District meetings, the Districts may need to update Capital Improvement Projects in their Master Plans for incorporation them in the General Land Use Plan Update.